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Benchmarking Scala Collections

Posted 2016-09-29
Easy Parsing with Parser CombinatorsOld Design Patterns in Scala

This post will dive into the runtime characteristics of the Scala collections library, from an empirical point of view. While a lot has been written about the Scala collections from an implementation point of view (inheritance hierarchies, CanBuildFrom, etc...) surprisingly little has been written about how these collections actually behave under use.

Are Lists faster than Vectors for what you're doing, or are Vectors faster than Lists? How much memory can you save by using un-boxed Arrays to store primitives? When you do performance tricks like pre-allocating arrays or using a while-loop instead of a foreach call, how much does it really matter? var l: List or val b: mutable.Buffer? This post will tell you the answers.

About the Author: Haoyi is a software engineer, and the author of many open-source Scala tools such as the Ammonite REPL and the Mill Build Tool. If you enjoyed the contents on this blog, you may also enjoy Haoyi's book Hands-on Scala Programming

The Scala programming language has a rich set of built-in collections: Lists, Vectors, Arrays, Sets, Maps, and so on. There is a lot of "common knowledge" around these: that Lists has a fast prepend but slow indexing, how Vectors are a "good general purpose collection", but surprisingly little concrete data around how these collections actually perform, in practice.

For example, how much more memory does a Vector take than an Array? How about a List? How much faster is iterating using a while-loop instead of a .foreach call? How does using Maps and Sets fit into all this?

The closest thing that's currently available describing the runtime characteristics of Scala collections is the table below, available on docs.scala-lang.org:

operation head tail apply update prepend append insert
List C C L L C L
Stream C C L L C L
Vector eC eC eC eC eC eC
Stack C C L L C C L
Queue aC aC L L L C
Range C C C
String C L C L L L

With the following legend

Key Meaning
C The operation takes (fast) constant time.
eC The operation takes effectively constant time, but this might depend on some assumptions such as maximum length of a vector or distribution of hash keys.
aC The operation takes amortized constant time. Some invocations of the operation might take longer, but if many operations are performed on average only constant time per operation is taken.
Log The operation takes time proportional to the logarithm of the collection size.
L The operation is linear, that is it takes time proportional to the collection size.
The operation is not supported.

This lacks concrete numbers and is a purely theoretical analysis. Worst, it uses weird terminology like "Effectively Constant time, assuming maximum length", which is confusing and doesn't match what the rest of the world thinks when they discuss performance characteristics or asymptotic complexity (If you're wondering why you've never heard the term "Effectively Constant Time" before, it's because everyone else calls it "Logarithmic time", and it's the same as the "Log" category above).

This post will thus go into detail with benchmarking both the memory and performance characteristics of various Scala collections, from an empirical point of view. By using runtime benchmarks rather than theoretical analysis, we will gain an understanding of the behavior and nuances of the various Scala collections, far more than what you'd gain from theoretical analysis or blind-leading-the-blind in-person discussions.

Memory Usage

The first thing we will analyze in this post is the memory usage of various collections. This is easier to analyze than performance, as it's deterministic: you do not require multiple benchmarks to average together to reduce randomness. While it's not commonly done, you can relatively straightforwardly write a program that uses reflection and the Java Instrumentation API to analyze the memory usage of any object.

There are many posts online about how to to do this, for example:

And it's relatively straightforward to write your own. I ended up with the following implementation in Scala, that crawls the object-graph using Java reflection, and uses a getObjectSize method provided by a Java Instrumentation agent:

package bench

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import java.util

import scala.collection.mutable

object DeepSize {
  private val SKIP_POOLED_OBJECTS: Boolean = false

  private def isPooled(paramObject: AnyRef): Boolean = {
    paramObject match{
      case e: java.lang.Enum[_]   => true
      case s: java.lang.String    => s eq s.intern()
      case b: java.lang.Boolean   => (b eq java.lang.Boolean.TRUE) || (b eq java.lang.Boolean.FALSE)
      case i: java.lang.Integer   => i eq java.lang.Integer.valueOf(i)
      case s: java.lang.Short     => s eq java.lang.Short.valueOf(s)
      case b: java.lang.Byte      => b eq java.lang.Byte.valueOf(b)
      case l: java.lang.Long      => l eq java.lang.Long.valueOf(l)
      case c: java.lang.Character => c eq java.lang.Character.valueOf(c)
      case _ => false

    * Calculates deep size
    * @param obj
    * object to calculate size of
    * @return object deep size
  def apply(obj: AnyRef): Long = {

  private def skipObject(obj: AnyRef, previouslyVisited: util.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef]): Boolean = {
    if (SKIP_POOLED_OBJECTS && isPooled(obj)) return true
    (obj == null) || previouslyVisited.containsKey(obj)

  private def deepSizeOf(obj0: AnyRef): Long = {
    val previouslyVisited = new util.IdentityHashMap[AnyRef, AnyRef]
    val objectQueue = mutable.Queue(obj0)
    var current = 0L
      val obj = objectQueue.dequeue()
      if (!skipObject(obj, previouslyVisited)){
        previouslyVisited.put(obj, null)
        val thisSize = agent.Agent.getObjectSize(obj)

        // get size of object + primitive variables + member pointers
        // for array header + len + if primitive total value for primitives
        obj.getClass match{
          case a if a.isArray =>
            current += thisSize
            // primitive type arrays has length two, skip them (they included in the shallow size)
            if (a.getName.length != 2) {
              val lengthOfArray = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(obj)
              for (i <- 0 until lengthOfArray) {
                objectQueue.enqueue(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(obj, i))
          case c =>
            current += thisSize
            var currentClass: Class[_] = c
            do {
              val objFields = currentClass.getDeclaredFields
              for(field <- objFields) {
                if (
                  !Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers) &&
                ) {
                  var tempObject: AnyRef = null
                  tempObject = field.get(obj)
                  if (tempObject != null) objectQueue.enqueue(tempObject)
              currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass
            } while (currentClass != null)



While this probably does not account for every edge case (32/64 bit JVMs, compressed pointers, ...), and may have some subtle bugs, but empirically I have run it on a bunch of objects and it seems to match up with the numbers reported by profilers such a JProfiler, so I'm inclined to trust that it's more or less correct. If you wish to try running the code yourself, or modifying the memory measurer to see what happens, feel free to try running the benchmark code yourself:

From that point, it is relatively straightforward to run this on a bunch of different collections of different sizes, and see what it spits out. Each collection was filled up with new Objects for consistency, except for SortedSet which was filled with new java.lang.Integer(...) objects with a range of values so they would be sorted.

The table below is the estimated size, in bytes, of the various collections of zero elements, one element, four elements, and powers of four all the way up to 1,048,576 elements:

Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Vector 56 216 264 456 1,512 5,448 21,192 84,312 334,440 1,353,192 5,412,168 21,648,072
Array[Object] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536
List 16 56 176 656 2,576 10,256 40,976 162,776 647,696 2,621,456 10,485,776 41,943,056
Stream (unforced) 16 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
Stream (forced) 16 56 176 656 2,576 10,256 40,976 162,776 647,696 2,621,456 10,485,776 41,943,056
Set 16 32 96 880 3,720 14,248 59,288 234,648 895,000 3,904,144 14,361,000 60,858,616
Map 16 56 176 1,648 6,800 26,208 109,112 428,592 1,674,568 7,055,272 26,947,840 111,209,368
SortedSet 40 104 248 824 3,128 12,344 49,208 195,368 777,272 3,145,784 12,582,968 50,331,704
Queue 40 80 200 680 2,600 10,280 41,000 162,800 647,720 2,621,480 10,485,800 41,943,080
String 40 48 48 72 168 552 2,088 8,184 32,424 131,112 524,328 2,097,192
Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
m.Buffer 104 120 168 360 1,320 5,160 20,520 81,528 324,648 1,310,760 5,242,920 20,971,560
m.Map 120 176 344 1,080 4,152 16,440 65,592 260,688 1,037,880 4,194,360 16,777,272 67,108,920
m.Set 184 200 248 568 2,104 8,248 32,824 130,696 521,272 2,097,208 8,388,664 33,554,488
m.Queue 48 88 208 688 2,608 10,288 41,008 162,808 647,728 2,621,488 10,485,808 41,943,088
m.PriQueue 144 160 208 464 1,616 6,224 24,656 81,568 324,688 1,572,944 6,291,536 25,165,904
m.Stack 32 72 192 672 2,592 10,272 40,992 162,792 647,712 2,621,472 10,485,792 41,943,072
m.SortedSet 80 128 272 848 3,152 12,368 49,232 195,392 777,296 3,145,808 12,582,992 50,331,728
Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array[Boolean] 16 24 24 32 80 272 1,040 4,088 16,208 65,552 262,160 1,048,592
Array[Byte] 16 24 24 32 80 272 1,040 4,088 16,208 65,552 262,160 1,048,592
Array[Short] 16 24 24 48 144 528 2,064 8,160 32,400 131,088 524,304 2,097,168
Array[Int] 16 24 32 80 272 1,040 4,112 16,296 64,784 262,160 1,048,592 4,194,320
Array[Long] 16 24 48 144 528 2,064 8,208 32,568 129,552 524,304 2,097,168 8,388,624
Boxed Array[Boolean] 16 40 64 112 304 1,072 4,144 16,328 64,816 262,192 1,048,624 4,194,352
Boxed Array[Byte] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 8,208 20,392 68,880 266,256 1,052,688 4,198,416
Boxed Array[Short] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,230,608 20,910,096
Boxed Array[Int] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536
Boxed Array[Long] 16 48 128 464 1,808 7,184 28,688 113,952 453,392 1,835,024 7,340,048 29,360,144
Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
j.List 216 240 312 600 1,944 7,320 28,824 114,192 454,296 1,835,160 7,340,184 29,360,280
j.Map 240 296 464 1,200 4,272 16,560 65,712 260,808 1,038,000 4,194,480 16,777,392 67,109,040
j.Set 296 312 360 680 2,216 8,360 32,936 130,808 521,384 2,097,320 8,388,776 33,554,600

You can take your time to browse these values, yourself, but I will highlight some of them as worth comparing and discussing.

Memory use of Immutable Collections

Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Vector 56 216 264 456 1,512 5,448 21,192 84,312 334,440 1,353,192 5,412,168 21,648,072
Array[Object] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536
List 16 56 176 656 2,576 10,256 40,976 162,776 647,696 2,621,456 10,485,776 41,943,056
Stream (unforced) 16 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
Stream (forced) 16 56 176 656 2,576 10,256 40,976 162,776 647,696 2,621,456 10,485,776 41,943,056
Set 16 32 96 880 3,720 14,248 59,288 234,648 895,000 3,904,144 14,361,000 60,858,616
Map 16 56 176 1,648 6,800 26,208 109,112 428,592 1,674,568 7,055,272 26,947,840 111,209,368
SortedSet 40 104 248 824 3,128 12,344 49,208 195,368 777,272 3,145,784 12,582,968 50,331,704
Queue 40 80 200 680 2,600 10,280 41,000 162,800 647,720 2,621,480 10,485,800 41,943,080
String 40 48 48 72 168 552 2,088 8,184 32,424 131,112 524,328 2,097,192

These are the common Scala collections. Mostly immutable, with java.lang.String thrown in, scala.Stream included despite being mutable (e.g. you can force it, which can cause surprising side effects) and Array[Object] included because they're so common in any code running on the JVM

Points of interest:

Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Vector 56 216 264 456 1,512 5,448 21,192 84,312 334,440 1,353,192 5,412,168 21,648,072
Array[Object] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536

Small Vectors have 3-5x as much memory overhead as small Arrays: a 1-element vector takes a 1/5th of a kilobyte of memory!

For size 16 the overhead shrinks to ~30%, and for size 1,048,576 the overhead is down to about 5%. While the internal machinery means small Vectors use memory wastefully, for larger Vectors the overhead compared to a (boxed) Array is negligible.

Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array[Object] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536
List 16 56 176 656 2,576 10,256 40,976 162,776 647,696 2,621,456 10,485,776 41,943,056

Lists take up about twice the memory of Array[Object]s. This is the case all the way from small 4-item lists all the way to large 1,048,576 item lists. This isn't surprising when you consider List is a linked list with a wrapper-node for each actual element it's storing

Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
List 16 56 176 656 2,576 10,256 40,976 162,776 647,696 2,621,456 10,485,776 41,943,056
Stream (unforced) 16 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
Stream (forced) 16 56 176 656 2,576 10,256 40,976 162,776 647,696 2,621,456 10,485,776 41,943,056

Stream (forced) takes up as much memory as a List, while a Stream (unforced) takes up hardly anything since it hasn't been populated yet.

Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array[Object] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536
Set 16 32 96 880 3,720 14,248 59,288 234,648 895,000 3,904,144 14,361,000 60,858,616
Map 16 56 176 1,648 6,800 26,208 109,112 428,592 1,674,568 7,055,272 26,947,840 111,209,368

Tiny Sets take up as much memory as arrays, while large Sets take up three times as much memory as Arrays. This makes sense when you consider small Sets are specialized as single-objects containing all the elements, while larger Sets are stored as trees. It's slightly surprising to me that the overhead was so much: I was expecting somewhere between 50% and 100% overhead for the internal Set machinery, rather than the 200% we measured.

The same applies to small Maps and large Maps, except small ones start off taking 2x as much memory as Arrays while large ones take up 6x as much. These are also specialized for small collections.

Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array[Object] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536
String 40 48 48 72 168 552 2,088 8,184 32,424 131,112 524,328 2,097,192

Strings store 2-byte Chars rather than 4-byte pointers to 16-byte objects, and so it's not surprising they take 10x less memory to store than Array[Object]s of the equivalent size

Memory use of Arrays

Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array[Object] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536
Size 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,069 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array[Boolean] 16 24 24 32 80 272 1,040 4,088 16,208 65,552 262,160 1,048,592
Array[Byte] 16 24 24 32 80 272 1,040 4,088 16,208 65,552 262,160 1,048,592
Array[Short] 16 24 24 48 144 528 2,064 8,160 32,400 131,088 524,304 2,097,168
Array[Int] 16 24 32 80 272 1,040 4,112 16,296 64,784 262,160 1,048,592 4,194,320
Array[Long] 16 24 48 144 528 2,064 8,208 32,568 129,552 524,304 2,097,168 8,388,624
Boxed Array[Boolean] 16 40 64 112 304 1,072 4,144 16,328 64,816 262,192 1,048,624 4,194,352
Boxed Array[Byte] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 8,208 20,392 68,880 266,256 1,052,688 4,198,416
Boxed Array[Short] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,230,608 20,910,096
Boxed Array[Int] 16 40 96 336 1,296 5,136 20,496 81,400 323,856 1,310,736 5,242,896 20,971,536
Boxed Array[Long] 16 48 128 464 1,808 7,184 28,688 113,952 453,392 1,835,024 7,340,048 29,360,144

The memory usage of the various unboxed Arrays of primitives is an order of magnitude less than that of the boxed Array[Object]. This makes sense, as a Array[Object] needs to store a 4-byte pointer to each entry, which itself is an object with a 16-byte object header (8 bytes for mark word, 8 bytes for class-pointer). In comparison, a Byte, Short, Int or Long takes up 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes respectively. You see this exact ratio in the memory footprint of these arrays, with a few bytes of overhead for the object header of the array.

Notable, Array[Boolean]s take up as much memory as Array[Byte]s. While they could theoretically be stored as packed bit-fields with one boolean per bit, they are not. If you want more efficient storage of flags, you should use some kind of bit set that would store your booleans as one boolean per bit.

The behavior of boxed arrays is interesting. Naively, you may think that a boxed array of primitives has to take up the same memory footprint of an Array[Object]s. After all, a boxed Int or Byte ends up being a java.lang.Integer or java.lang.Byte that is a subclass of Object. However, the small values for these constants are interned, so there are only two boxed Booleans and 256 boxed Bytes that are shared throughout the program. Thus, the Boxed Array[Byte] ends up taking only as much memory as a Array[Int], as it's filled with 4-byte pointers to shared objects.

Boxed Ints and Longs are only interned for small values, and not for most values within their range. Thus those end up taking as much (or more) memory than the same-size Array[Object].

You can probably find more interesting comparisons in the raw table above, but this should give you a feel for how "large" various data-structures are. While it's true that today's computers have "lots of memory", it's still useful to know how much space things take:

Even if you ignore memory usage at first and come back and optimize it later, when you finally do come back you will still want to know what the relative trade-offs are between the memory overhead of different collections. And hopefully this section will help you make your decisions about how to make your code more efficient.


The next thing we will look at is how long it takes to perform common operations using various collections. While memory footprint is something you can analyze statically (and shouldn't change for a given object) the runtime performance tends to be noisy and random: whether the JIT compiler has kicked in, whether a garbage-collection is happening, etc.

However, even if we can't get exact numbers, we can definitely get numbers close enough to be interesting. Below, are rough benchmarks run for various "representative" collections operations:

While it's not super precise, it's good enough for the purposes of this benchmark, and the Benchmark Code already takes 4-and-a-half hours to run so I'm not inclined to try to make it much more rigorous.

The individual benchmarks are:

The Foreach and Lookup benchmarks were run 10 or 100x longer than the others, and the total time subsequently divided. This was in order to try and amplify the relatively short runtimes, so that the difference in time taken could be seen above the random noise and variation in runtimes.

The summarized data is shown below. You can browse this data yourself, raw: each benchmark (lookup, concat, ...) has a section of the table, where each row is one collection's benchmarks for that operation (some collections have more than one benchmark) and each column is the mean time taken to perform the benchmark, as described above.

Note that the standard deviation is not shown here, for conciseness, though if you want to see it you can skip to the Performance Data with Standard Deviations section below.

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array-prealloc 17 10 14 41 186 710 2,710 11,000 45,100 183,000 730,000 3,100,000
Array:+ 2 12 58 270 1,460 19,800 260,000 3,170,000 60,000,000 1,020,000,000
List:: 1 4 12 69 301 1,220 4,900 19,800 79,000 329,000 1,510,000 9,100,000
Vector:+ 2 15 99 410 1,730 7,000 28,600 324,000 1,498,000 7,140,000 31,700,000 131,000,000
Set+ 1 12 58 1,860 8,530 37,400 166,000 783,000 3,600,000 18,100,000 94,000,000 473,000,000
Map+ 1 6 95 2,100 9,010 38,900 171,000 810,000 3,710,000 18,400,000 96,000,000 499,000,000
Array.toSet 73 75 187 2,140 9,220 40,000 174,000 833,000 3,800,000 19,300,000 101,000,000 506,000,000
Array.toMap 21 31 104 2,100 9,200 39,500 173,000 820,000 3,790,000 19,500,000 104,000,000 540,000,000
Array.toVector 95 109 143 287 903 3,310 12,850 51,100 203,800 821,000 3,270,000 13,300,000
m.Buffer 19 30 58 174 691 2,690 10,840 43,000 169,800 687,000 2,770,000 11,790,000
m.Map.put 6 79 297 1,420 6,200 25,500 103,000 414,000 1,820,000 8,100,000 57,000,000 348,000,000
m.Set.add 13 76 276 1,430 6,700 27,900 113,000 455,000 1,840,000 7,900,000 39,000,000 267,000,000
deconstruct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array.tail 7 26 114 582 4,517 55,500 821,000 12,140,000 188,000,000 3,100,000,000
List.tail 2 2 7 21 100 420 2,100 10,000 35,000 120,000 540,000 1,500,000
Vector.tail 3 6 90 425 1,970 11,800 58,400 500,000 2,390,000 11,000,000 50,200,000 211,000,000
Vector.init 2 5 103 483 2,490 12,800 64,000 543,000 2,470,000 11,900,000 52,600,000 218,000,000
Set.- 8 30 162 1,480 7,700 34,200 164,000 770,000 3,660,000 20,300,000 94,000,000 420,000,000
Map.- 12 52 201 1,430 7,660 34,900 169,000 810,000 3,990,000 24,000,000 103,000,000 470,000,000
m.Buffer 6 8 14 43 166 630 2,510 10,000 40,600 167,000 660,000 2,490,000
m.Set 5 28 130 671 4,900 54,000 770,000 11,990,000 189,000,000 3,040,000,000
m.Map 7 44 172 670 3,650 26,400 282,000 3,970,000 62,600,000 1,000,000,000
concat 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array++ 89 83 85 91 144 330 970 4,100 17,000 70,000 380,000 1,700,000
arraycopy 23 18 20 27 48 280 1,000 4,000 16,000 65,000 360,000 1,400,000
List 7 81 162 434 1,490 5,790 23,200 92,500 370,000 1,510,000 6,300,000 30,000,000
Vector 5 48 188 327 940 3,240 12,700 52,000 210,000 810,000 3,370,000 14,500,000
Set 91 95 877 1,130 5,900 26,900 149,000 680,000 3,600,000 23,000,000 100,000,000 280,000,000
Map 54 53 967 1,480 6,900 31,500 166,000 760,000 4,100,000 27,000,000 118,000,000 450,000,000
m.Buffer 11 32 32 38 70 250 700 3,900 20,000 40,000 400,000 1,500,000
m.Set 58 81 142 1,080 4,200 16,000 69,000 263,000 1,160,000 6,300,000 43,000,000 310,000,000
m.Map 47 69 181 990 3,700 15,000 62,000 290,000 1,500,000 16,000,000 103,000,000 493,000,000
foreach 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array 2 5 15 57 230 900 3,580 14,200 55,600 228,000 910,000 3,610,000
Array-while 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 -4 10 70 0 500
List 0 3 13 50 209 800 3,500 14,100 55,000 231,000 920,000 3,800,000
List-while 4 5 13 49 211 812 3,400 14,200 57,000 226,000 930,000 3,700,000
Vector 15 19 30 74 268 1,000 3,960 16,200 62,000 256,000 1,030,000 4,300,000
Set 4 5 10 99 420 1,560 10,200 51,000 217,000 2,200,000 10,800,000 48,600,000
Map 19 7 20 140 610 2,500 13,900 72,800 360,000 3,700,000 20,700,000 75,000,000
m.Buffer 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 -1 -10 0 -200
m.Set 19 26 50 130 508 2,190 11,900 56,600 235,000 940,000 3,800,000 14,700,000
m.Map 8 16 48 146 528 2,210 10,300 54,100 255,000 1,140,000 6,800,000 30,000,000
lookup 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 -1 4 0 100 -200
List 0 1 8 103 2,390 47,200 870,000 16,900,000
Vector 0 1 5 17 104 440 1,780 8,940 38,000 198,000 930,000 4,260,000
Set 0 18 81 507 1,980 7,800 39,800 203,000 1,040,000 8,300,000
Map 0 12 97 578 2,250 9,400 46,000 233,000 1,150,000 11,400,000
m.Buffer 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 -10 0 0
m.Set 0 5 22 97 410 1,690 7,100 31,300 148,000 690,000 4,800,000
m.Map 0 6 25 112 454 1,910 9,400 52,500 243,000 1,760,000 9,900,000

The raw data with standard deviations is available below:

As is the actual time taken for each benchmark run:

As well as the code for the benchmark, if you want to try running and reproducing these results yourself.

Take a look at these if you want to dig a bit deeper into these results. For this post, I will now discuss some of the more interesting insights I noticed when going through this data myself.

Construction Performance

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array-prealloc 17 10 14 41 186 710 2,710 11,000 45,100 183,000 730,000 3,100,000
Array:+ 2 12 58 270 1,460 19,800 260,000 3,170,000 60,000,000 1,020,000,000
List:: 1 4 12 69 301 1,220 4,900 19,800 79,000 329,000 1,510,000 9,100,000
Vector:+ 2 15 99 410 1,730 7,000 28,600 324,000 1,498,000 7,140,000 31,700,000 131,000,000
Set+ 1 12 58 1,860 8,530 37,400 166,000 783,000 3,600,000 18,100,000 94,000,000 473,000,000
Map+ 1 6 95 2,100 9,010 38,900 171,000 810,000 3,710,000 18,400,000 96,000,000 499,000,000
Array.toSet 73 75 187 2,140 9,220 40,000 174,000 833,000 3,800,000 19,300,000 101,000,000 506,000,000
Array.toMap 21 31 104 2,100 9,200 39,500 173,000 820,000 3,790,000 19,500,000 104,000,000 540,000,000
Array.toVector 95 109 143 287 903 3,310 12,850 51,100 203,800 821,000 3,270,000 13,300,000
m.Buffer 19 30 58 174 691 2,690 10,840 43,000 169,800 687,000 2,770,000 11,790,000
m.Map.put 6 79 297 1,420 6,200 25,500 103,000 414,000 1,820,000 8,100,000 57,000,000 348,000,000
m.Set.add 13 76 276 1,430 6,700 27,900 113,000 455,000 1,840,000 7,900,000 39,000,000 267,000,000

This is the time taken to construct a data-structure one element at a time: using :: for Lists, :+ for Vectors, .add or .append or .put for the mutable collections. Arrays have two benchmarks: one using :+, and one pre-allocating the array via new Array[Object](n) and then filling it in with a while-loop.

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
List:: 1 4 12 69 301 1,220 4,900 19,800 79,000 329,000 1,510,000 9,100,000
Vector:+ 2 15 99 410 1,730 7,000 28,600 324,000 1,498,000 7,140,000 31,700,000 131,000,000

It turns out that constructing a Vector one-element-at-a-time is 5-15x slower than constructing a List, depending on the size.

This is perhaps not surprising - adding things to a linked list is about as simple as you can get - but the magnitude of the difference surprised me. If you are constructing things one by one and iterating over them, using List would be faster than using a Vector. nevertheless, it's slightly surprising to me how large the multiplier is. If building up a Vector turns out to be bottle-necking your code, it's probably worth considering replacing it with a List or Buffer, as shown below.

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
List:: 1 4 12 69 301 1,220 4,900 19,800 79,000 329,000 1,510,000 9,100,000
m.Buffer 19 30 58 174 691 2,690 10,840 43,000 169,800 687,000 2,770,000 11,790,000

Constructing a mutable.Buffer with .append seems to be about 2-3x as slow as constructing a List with ::, though with large lists the difference seems to drop down to a 1.5x difference. I find this a bit surprising, but what it means is that if you have an accumulator that needs to be fast, you using a List is possibly the better option.

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array-prealloc 17 10 14 41 186 710 2,710 11,000 45,100 183,000 730,000 3,100,000
List:: 1 4 12 69 301 1,220 4,900 19,800 79,000 329,000 1,510,000 9,100,000
m.Buffer 19 30 58 174 691 2,690 10,840 43,000 169,800 687,000 2,770,000 11,790,000

The fastest is pre-allocating an Array of the right size and filling that in; that is about 4x faster than constructing a List, 5x faster than constructing a mutable.Buffer, and 15x faster than constructing a Vector.

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array-prealloc 17 10 14 41 186 710 2,710 11,000 45,100 183,000 730,000 3,100,000
Array:+ 2 12 58 270 1,460 19,800 260,000 3,170,000 60,000,000 1,020,000,000

Constructing an array bit-by-bit using :+ is quadratic time, as it copies the entire array each time. This shows in the benchmarks: while for small arrays it's fine, it very quickly grows large and becomes infeasible for arrays even a few tens of thousands of elements in size.

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array-prealloc 17 10 14 41 186 710 2,710 11,000 45,100 183,000 730,000 3,100,000
Set+ 1 12 58 1,860 8,530 37,400 166,000 783,000 3,600,000 18,100,000 94,000,000 473,000,000
Map+ 1 6 95 2,100 9,010 38,900 171,000 810,000 3,710,000 18,400,000 96,000,000 499,000,000
Array.toSet 73 75 187 2,140 9,220 40,000 174,000 833,000 3,800,000 19,300,000 101,000,000 506,000,000
Array.toMap 21 31 104 2,100 9,200 39,500 173,000 820,000 3,790,000 19,500,000 104,000,000 540,000,000

Constructing Sets and Maps bit by bit is really slow: 30x slower than constructing a List, 150x slower than pre-allocating and filling an Array of the same size. This is presumably due to Sets and Maps needing to do constant hashing/equality checks in order to maintain uniqueness.

While it's not surprising that Sets and Maps are slower, just how much slower is surprising. It means that if you want some kind of accumulator collection to put stuff into, you should not use a Set or Map unless you really need the uniqueness guarantees they provide. Otherwise, chucking everything into a List or mutable.Buffer is much faster.

Pre-allocating an array and then calling .toSet or .toMap on it isn't faster than building up the Set or Map bit by bit using +. This is in contrast to calling .toVector, which is faster than building up the Vector incrementally...

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array-prealloc 17 10 14 41 186 710 2,710 11,000 45,100 183,000 730,000 3,100,000
List:: 1 4 12 69 301 1,220 4,900 19,800 79,000 329,000 1,510,000 9,100,000
Vector:+ 2 15 99 410 1,730 7,000 28,600 324,000 1,498,000 7,140,000 31,700,000 131,000,000
Array.toVector 95 109 143 287 903 3,310 12,850 51,100 203,800 821,000 3,270,000 13,300,000

It turns out, if constructing a Vector by pre-allocating/filling an Array of all items and then calling .toVector on it is 10x faster than constructing the Vector element by element. While it wasn't benchmarked here, putting everything into a mutable.Buffer and then calling .toVector is also probably going to be much faster than building up the Vector incrementally.

Deconstruction Performance

deconstruct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array.tail 7 26 114 582 4,517 55,500 821,000 12,140,000 188,000,000 3,100,000,000
List.tail 2 2 7 21 100 420 2,100 10,000 35,000 120,000 540,000 1,500,000
Vector.tail 3 6 90 425 1,970 11,800 58,400 500,000 2,390,000 11,000,000 50,200,000 211,000,000
Vector.init 2 5 103 483 2,490 12,800 64,000 543,000 2,470,000 11,900,000 52,600,000 218,000,000
Set.- 8 30 162 1,480 7,700 34,200 164,000 770,000 3,660,000 20,300,000 94,000,000 420,000,000
Map.- 12 52 201 1,430 7,660 34,900 169,000 810,000 3,990,000 24,000,000 103,000,000 470,000,000
m.Buffer 6 8 14 43 166 630 2,510 10,000 40,600 167,000 660,000 2,490,000
m.Set 5 28 130 671 4,900 54,000 770,000 11,990,000 189,000,000 3,040,000,000
m.Map 7 44 172 670 3,650 26,400 282,000 3,970,000 62,600,000 1,000,000,000

mutable.Buffer and List win as the fastest collections to de-construct. That makes sense, since removing things from a mutable.Buffer is just changing the size field, and removing the head of a List is just following the .tail pointer. Neither needs to make changes to the data-structure.

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Vector:+ 2 15 99 410 1,730 7,000 28,600 324,000 1,498,000 7,140,000 31,700,000 131,000,000
deconstruct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Vector.tail 3 6 90 425 1,970 11,800 58,400 500,000 2,390,000 11,000,000 50,200,000 211,000,000
Vector.init 2 5 103 483 2,490 12,800 64,000 543,000 2,470,000 11,900,000 52,600,000 218,000,000

Deconstructing Vectors by .tail or .init is much slower: about 50% slower than appending to one via :+.

deconstruct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
List.tail 2 2 7 21 100 420 2,100 10,000 35,000 120,000 540,000 1,500,000
Vector.tail 3 6 90 425 1,970 11,800 58,400 500,000 2,390,000 11,000,000 50,200,000 211,000,000
Set.- 8 30 162 1,480 7,700 34,200 164,000 770,000 3,660,000 20,300,000 94,000,000 420,000,000
Map.- 12 52 201 1,430 7,660 34,900 169,000 810,000 3,990,000 24,000,000 103,000,000 470,000,000
m.Set 5 28 130 671 4,900 54,000 770,000 11,990,000 189,000,000 3,040,000,000
m.Map 7 44 172 670 3,650 26,400 282,000 3,970,000 62,600,000 1,000,000,000

Also, for some reason repeatedly removing the .head from immutable Maps and Sets is also slow, though removing them from mutable.Map an mutable.Sets is even slower. I'm not sure why this is the case.

Concatenation Performance

concat 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array++ 89 83 85 91 144 330 970 4,100 17,000 70,000 380,000 1,700,000
arraycopy 23 18 20 27 48 280 1,000 4,000 16,000 65,000 360,000 1,400,000
List 7 81 162 434 1,490 5,790 23,200 92,500 370,000 1,510,000 6,300,000 30,000,000
Vector 5 48 188 327 940 3,240 12,700 52,000 210,000 810,000 3,370,000 14,500,000
Set 91 95 877 1,130 5,900 26,900 149,000 680,000 3,600,000 23,000,000 100,000,000 280,000,000
Map 54 53 967 1,480 6,900 31,500 166,000 760,000 4,100,000 27,000,000 118,000,000 450,000,000
m.Buffer 11 32 32 38 70 250 700 3,900 20,000 40,000 400,000 1,500,000
m.Set 58 81 142 1,080 4,200 16,000 69,000 263,000 1,160,000 6,300,000 43,000,000 310,000,000
m.Map 47 69 181 990 3,700 15,000 62,000 290,000 1,500,000 16,000,000 103,000,000 493,000,000

The fastest collection to concatenate are mutable.Buffers, and plain Arrays. Both of these basically involve copying the contents to a new array; mutable.Buffer keeps an internal array it would need to re-allocate to make space to copy in the new data, while Array needs to copy both input Arrays into a new, larger Array. Whether you use Array ++ Array or System.arraycopy doesn't seem to matter.

It turns out that while the clever algorithms and structural-sharing and what not that go into Scala's immutable Vectors and Sets make it faster to build things up incrementally element-by-element (as seen in the Construction Performance benchmark), for this kind of bulk-concatenation it's still faster just to copy everything manually into a new array and skip all the fancy data-structure stuff.

Though Vector and List concatenation is much slower than concatenating mutable.Buffers or Arrays, Vector concatenation is twice as fast as List concatenation.

Set and Map again are surprisingly slow, with concatenation being 10x slower than for Vectors or Lists, and 100x slower than Arrays or mutable.Buffers.

Foreach Performance

foreach 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array 2 5 15 57 230 900 3,580 14,200 55,600 228,000 910,000 3,610,000
Array-while 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 -4 10 70 0 500
List 0 3 13 50 209 800 3,500 14,100 55,000 231,000 920,000 3,800,000
List-while 4 5 13 49 211 812 3,400 14,200 57,000 226,000 930,000 3,700,000
Vector 15 19 30 74 268 1,000 3,960 16,200 62,000 256,000 1,030,000 4,300,000
Set 4 5 10 99 420 1,560 10,200 51,000 217,000 2,200,000 10,800,000 48,600,000
Map 19 7 20 140 610 2,500 13,900 72,800 360,000 3,700,000 20,700,000 75,000,000
m.Buffer 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 -1 -10 0 -200
m.Set 19 26 50 130 508 2,190 11,900 56,600 235,000 940,000 3,800,000 14,700,000
m.Map 8 16 48 146 528 2,210 10,300 54,100 255,000 1,140,000 6,800,000 30,000,000

foreaching over most "common" collections is about equally fast; whether it's a List or Vector or an Array. For that matter, iterating over a List using a while-loop and head/tail is the same speed too, so if you've been thinking of hand-writing the head/tail logic to iterate over a List for performance, know that it probably doesn't make any difference.

On the other hand, iterating over immutable Sets and Maps is about 10-15x slower. Mutable Sets and Maps fare better than their immutable counterparts, at only 3-8x slower than iterating over an Array or Vector.

Iterating using an Array and a while-loop is the fastest, with the time here basically un-measurable over the noise. For some reason, iterating over the mutable.Buffer also did not give meaningful results. It's unclear to me why this is the case.

Lookup Performance

lookup 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 -1 4 0 100 -200
List 0 1 8 103 2,390 47,200 870,000 16,900,000
Vector 0 1 5 17 104 440 1,780 8,940 38,000 198,000 930,000 4,260,000
Set 0 18 81 507 1,980 7,800 39,800 203,000 1,040,000 8,300,000
Map 0 12 97 578 2,250 9,400 46,000 233,000 1,150,000 11,400,000
m.Buffer 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 -10 0 0
m.Set 0 5 22 97 410 1,690 7,100 31,300 148,000 690,000 4,800,000
m.Map 0 6 25 112 454 1,910 9,400 52,500 243,000 1,760,000 9,900,000

Here, we can see that Array and mutable.Buffer lookups are so fast as to be basically unmeasurable above the noise. The next fastest is indexed Vector lookups, which take an appreciable amount of time. e.g. looking up every item in a million-element vector takes 4 milliseconds: this might not be noticeable in most situations, but could definitely add up if done repeatedly, or if done during the 16 milliseconds available in a real-time animation/game loop.

Note that this time is measuring the time taken to look up every element in the collection, rather than just looking up a single element. Thus we'd expect larger collections to take more time to complete the benchmark, even if the time taken for each lookup is constant.

Immutable Sets and Maps take far, far longer to look up items than Vectors: Looking up something in an immutable Set takes 10-20x as long as looking up something in a Vector, while looking things up in an immutable Map takes 10-40x as long.

Notably, mutable Sets and Maps perform much better than the immutable ones: mutable Set lookup being 4-5x slower than Vector, and mutable Map lookup being 5-10x slower than Vector. In both cases, we're looking at 2-4x faster lookups using the mutable Maps and Set`s over the immutable ones. This is presumably because the mutable versions of these collections use hash-tables rather than trees.

List lookups by index across the entire list is, as expected, quadratic in time: Each individual lookup takes time linear in the size of the collection, and there are a linear number of lookups to perform in this benchmark. While it's reasonable up to about 16 elements, it quickly blows up after that.

Take Aways

By this point, we've seen a lot of numbers, and gone over some of the non-obvious insights that we can see from the data. However, what does this mean to a working programmer, using Scala day to day? Here are some of the more interesting take-aways:

Arrays are great

An un-boxed Arrays of primitives take 1/4th to 1/5th as much memory as their boxed counterparts, e.g. Array[Int] vs Array[java.lang.Integer]. This is a non-trivial cost; if you're dealing with large amounts of primitive data, keeping them in un-boxed Arrays will save you tons of memory.

Apart from primitive Arrays, even boxed Arrays of objects still have some surprisingly nice performance characteristics. Concatenating two Arrays is faster than concatenating any other data-structure, even immutable Lists and Vectors which are Persistent Data Structure and supposed to have clever structural sharing to reduce the need to copy-everything. This holds even for with a million elements, and is a 10x improvement that's definitely non-trivial. There's an open issue SI-4442 for someone to fix this, but for now this is the state of the world.

Indexing into the Array, and iterating over it with a while-loop, are also so fast that the time taken is not measurable given these benchmarks. Even using :+ to build an Array from individual elements, ostentiably "O(n^2)" and "slow", turns out to be faster than building a Vector for collections of up to ~64 elements.

It is surprising to me how much faster Array concatenation is than everything else, even "fancy" Persistent Data Structures like List and Vector with structural sharing to avoid copying the whole thing; it turns out copying the whole thing is actually faster than trying to combine the fancy persistent data structures! Thus, even if you have an immutable collection you a passing around, and sometimes splitting into pieces or concatenating with other similarly-sized collections, it is actually faster to use an Array (perhaps boxed in a WrappedArray if you want it to be immutable) as long as you avoid the pathological build-up-element-by-element use case.

Sets and Maps are slow

Looking up things in an immutable Vector takes 1/10th to 1/20th the time looking things up in an immutable Set, and 1/10th to 1/40th the time to look things up in an immutable Set. Even if you convert them to mutable data-structures for speed, there's still a large potential speedup if you can use a Vector instead. Using a raw Array would be even faster.

It makes sense, since a Set or Map lookup involves tons of hashing and equality checks, and even for simple keys like new Object (which has identity-based hashes and identify-equality) this ends up being a significant cost. In comparison, looking up a Vector is just a bit of integer math, and looking an Array is a single pointer-addition and memory-dereference.

It's not just looking things up that's slow: constructing them item-by-item is slow, removing things item-by-item is slow, concatenating them is slow. Even operations which should not need to perform hashing/equality at all, like iteration, is 10 times slower than iterating over a Vector.

Thus, while it makes sense to use Sets to represent collections which cannot have duplicates, and Maps to hold key-value pairings, keep in mind that they're likely sources of slowness. If your set of keys is relatively small, and performance is an issue, you could assign integer IDs to each key and replace Sets with Vector[Boolean]s and Maps with Vector[T]s, looking them up by integer ID. Sometimes, even if you know the collection's items are all unique, it may be worth giving up the automatic-enforcement that a Set gives you in order to get the raw performance of an Array or Vector or List.

Mutable Sets and Maps are faster and smaller: they take up 1/2 the memory, have 2-4x faster lookups, 2x faster foreachs, and are 2x faster to construct element-by-element using .add or .put. Even so, working with them is still a lot slower than working with Arrays or Vectors or Lists.

Lists vs Vectors

It's often a bit ambigious whether you should use a singly-linked List or a tree-shaped Vector as the immutable collection of choice in your code. The whole thing about "effectively constant time" operations does nothing to resolve the ambiguity. However, given the numbers, we can make a better judgement:

If you find yourself creating and de-constructing a collection bit by bit, and iterating over it once in a while, using a List is best. However, if you want to look up things by index, using a Vector is necessary. Using a Vector and using :+ to add items or .tail to remove items won't kill you, but it's an order of magnitude slower than the equivalent operations on a List.

Lists vs mutable.Buffer

Apart from being an immutable collection, Lists are often used as vars to act as a mutable bucket to put things. mutable.Buffer serves the same purpose. Which one should you use?

It turns out, using a List is actually substantially faster than using a mutable.Buffer if you are accumulating a collection item-by-item: 2-3x for smaller collections, 1.5-2x for larger collections. A non-trivial difference!

Apart from performance, there are other differences between them as well:

For accumulating elements one at a time, Lists are faster, and end up having more memory overhead. But if one of these other factors matters to you, that factor may end up deciding on your behalf whether to use a List or a mutable.Buffer.

Vectors are... ok

Although Vector is often thought of as a good "general purpose" data structure, it turns out they're not that great:

Overall, they are an "acceptable" general purpose collection:

Vectors are a useful "default" data structure to reach for, but if it's at all possible, working directly with Lists or Arrays or mutable.Buffers might have an order-of-magnitude less performance overhead. This might not matter, but it very well might be worth it in places where performance matters. A 10x performance difference is a lot!


This post provides a concrete baseline which you can use to help decide how to use the Scala collections. Theoretical analyses often miss lots of important factors, since naturally you'll only analyze factors you think are important to begin with. This empirical benchmark provides a sense of how the collections behave, from a perspective of actually using them.

For example, it's surprising to me how removing an element from a Vector is so much slower than appending one. It's surprising to me how much slower Set and Map operations are when compared to Vectors or Lists, even simple things like iteration which aren't affected by the hashing/equality-checks that slow down other operations. It's surprising to me how fast concatenating large Arrays is, especially compared to things like Vectors and Lists which are supposed to use structural sharing to reduce the work required.

Just as important as highlighting the differences between the collections, this set of benchmarks highlights a lot of things that don't matter:

While the code may look different, and internally is structured very differently, in practice it probably doesn't matter which one you pick in this cases. Just choose one and get one with your life.

Next time you are trying to choose a collection to use for a particular situation, or you are discussing with a colleague what collection would be appropriate, feel free to check back to this post to ground the decision in the empirical reality of how the collections perform.


Performance Data with Standard Deviations

Here is the performance data, with all the standard deviations included. They were not shown earlier for conciseness, but if you wish to cross-reference things to see how stable the values we're discussing are, this table can help you. Note that these are the standard deviations of the middle 5 runs out of 7 for each benchmark, each run lasting 2 seconds

construct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array-prealloc 17 ± 0% 10 ± 0% 14 ± 0% 41 ± 0% 186 ± 0.5% 710 ± 2.1% 2,710 ± 2.6% 11,000 ± 2.7% 45,100 ± 2.1% 183,000 ± 2.0% 730,000 ± 2.0% 3,100,000 ± 1.6%
Array:+ 2 ± 0% 12 ± 0% 58 ± 0% 270 ± 0.4% 1,460 ± 2.4% 19,800 ± 1.5% 260,000 ± 1.7% 3,170,000 ± 1.5% 60,000,000 ± 1.8% 1,020,000,000 ± 1.2%
Vector 2 ± 0% 15 ± 6.7% 99 ± 1.0% 410 ± 2.7% 1,730 ± 2.3% 7,000 ± 2.7% 28,600 ± 3.4% 324,000 ± 0.5% 1,498,000 ± 0.5% 7,140,000 ± 0.4% 31,700,000 ± 0.4% 131,000,000 ± 1.0%
List 1 ± 0% 4 ± 0% 12 ± 0% 69 ± 1.4% 301 ± 2.7% 1,220 ± 2.3% 4,900 ± 2.2% 19,800 ± 2.8% 79,000 ± 2.5% 329,000 ± 1.6% 1,510,000 ± 1.2% 9,100,000 ± 8.3%
Set 1 ± 0% 12 ± 0% 58 ± 0% 1,860 ± 0.5% 8,530 ± 0.4% 37,400 ± 0.8% 166,000 ± 1.2% 783,000 ± 0.5% 3,600,000 ± 1.6% 18,100,000 ± 0.7% 94,000,000 ± 1.4% 473,000,000 ± 1.5%
Map 1 ± 0% 6 ± 0% 95 ± 0% 2,100 ± 1.9% 9,010 ± 0.7% 38,900 ± 0.5% 171,000 ± 1.0% 810,000 ± 1.3% 3,710,000 ± 1.3% 18,400,000 ± 1.6% 96,000,000 ± 1.1% 499,000,000 ± 1.4%
Array.toVector 95 ± 1.1% 109 ± 0% 143 ± 0% 287 ± 0.3% 903 ± 0.9% 3,310 ± 0.2% 12,850 ± 0.5% 51,100 ± 0.8% 203,800 ± 0.5% 821,000 ± 0.5% 3,270,000 ± 1.3% 13,300,000 ± 1.4%
Array.toSet 73 ± 0% 75 ± 0% 187 ± 0.5% 2,140 ± 1.4% 9,220 ± 0.9% 40,000 ± 1.2% 174,000 ± 0.9% 833,000 ± 0.6% 3,800,000 ± 1.2% 19,300,000 ± 0.6% 101,000,000 ± 1.4% 506,000,000 ± 1.7%
Array.toMap 21 ± 0% 31 ± 0% 104 ± 1.0% 2,100 ± 0.5% 9,200 ± 1.5% 39,500 ± 1.6% 173,000 ± 1.7% 820,000 ± 1.7% 3,790,000 ± 2.1% 19,500,000 ± 1.6% 104,000,000 ± 2.5% 540,000,000 ± 2.2%
m.Buffer 19 ± 0% 30 ± 0% 58 ± 0% 174 ± 1.1% 691 ± 0.7% 2,690 ± 1.0% 10,840 ± 0.7% 43,000 ± 0.7% 169,800 ± 0.4% 687,000 ± 0.7% 2,770,000 ± 0.6% 11,790,000 ± 0.7%
m.Set 13 ± 0% 76 ± 0% 276 ± 0.4% 1,430 ± 1.1% 6,700 ± 0.9% 27,900 ± 1.2% 113,000 ± 1.6% 455,000 ± 1.4% 1,840,000 ± 1.2% 7,900,000 ± 1.4% 39,000,000 ± 3.0% 267,000,000 ± 3.2%
m.Map 6 ± 0% 79 ± 1.3% 297 ± 0.3% 1,420 ± 1.0% 6,200 ± 0.7% 25,500 ± 1.0% 103,000 ± 1.9% 414,000 ± 2.0% 1,820,000 ± 2.0% 8,100,000 ± 3.3% 57,000,000 ± 4.6% 348,000,000 ± 2.4%
deconstruct 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array.tail 7 ± 0% 26 ± 0% 114 ± 0.9% 582 ± 0.5% 4,517 ± 0.1% 55,500 ± 0.9% 821,000 ± 0.3% 12,140,000 ± 0.6% 188,000,000 ± 1.0% 3,100,000,000 ± 0.4%
List.tail 2 ± 0% 2 ± 0% 7 ± 0% 21 ± 4.8% 100 ± 10.6% 420 ± 3.7% 2,100 ± 5.9% 10,000 ± 10.4% 35,000 ± 4.6% 120,000 ± 9.4% 540,000 ± 9.2% 1,500,000 ± 53.5%
Vector.tail 3 ± 0% 6 ± 0% 90 ± 1.1% 425 ± 2.1% 1,970 ± 1.7% 11,800 ± 2.6% 58,400 ± 1.1% 500,000 ± 2.2% 2,390,000 ± 1.3% 11,000,000 ± 1.2% 50,200,000 ± 0.5% 211,000,000 ± 1.3%
Vector.init 2 ± 0% 5 ± 0% 103 ± 1.0% 483 ± 1.9% 2,490 ± 1.8% 12,800 ± 2.0% 64,000 ± 2.8% 543,000 ± 0.8% 2,470,000 ± 1.7% 11,900,000 ± 1.8% 52,600,000 ± 1.5% 218,000,000 ± 1.5%
Set.- 8 ± 12.5% 30 ± 3.3% 162 ± 1.2% 1,480 ± 3.9% 7,700 ± 3.0% 34,200 ± 1.2% 164,000 ± 1.5% 770,000 ± 1.4% 3,660,000 ± 2.6% 20,300,000 ± 0.7% 94,000,000 ± 1.3% 420,000,000 ± 1.8%
Map.- 12 ± 8.3% 52 ± 0% 201 ± 0.5% 1,430 ± 1.3% 7,660 ± 0.5% 34,900 ± 0.9% 169,000 ± 0.7% 810,000 ± 2.1% 3,990,000 ± 0.3% 24,000,000 ± 3.4% 103,000,000 ± 5.1% 470,000,000 ± 3.4%
m.Buffer 6 ± 0% 8 ± 12.5% 14 ± 7.1% 43 ± 2.3% 166 ± 0.6% 630 ± 2.8% 2,510 ± 2.9% 10,000 ± 3.0% 40,600 ± 1.7% 167,000 ± 2.8% 660,000 ± 4.2% 2,490,000 ± 3.0%
m.Set 5 ± 0% 28 ± 7.1% 130 ± 1.5% 671 ± 1.0% 4,900 ± 2.9% 54,000 ± 1.6% 770,000 ± 1.1% 11,990,000 ± 0.8% 189,000,000 ± 1.1% 3,040,000,000 ± 0.5%
m.Map 7 ± 14.3% 44 ± 2.3% 172 ± 3.5% 670 ± 4.6% 3,650 ± 2.6% 26,400 ± 1.8% 282,000 ± 1.3% 3,970,000 ± 0.4% 62,600,000 ± 1.0% 1,000,000,000 ± 1.1%
concat 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
arraycopy 23 ± 0% 18 ± 5.6% 20 ± 5.0% 27 ± 3.7% 48 ± 16.7% 280 ± 15.5% 1,000 ± 12.0% 4,000 ± 7.2% 16,000 ± 11.0% 65,000 ± 6.7% 360,000 ± 14.4% 1,400,000 ± 23.1%
Array++ 89 ± 1.1% 83 ± 1.2% 85 ± 1.2% 91 ± 1.1% 144 ± 5.6% 330 ± 14.7% 970 ± 5.6% 4,100 ± 5.5% 17,000 ± 17.0% 70,000 ± 14.9% 380,000 ± 11.5% 1,700,000 ± 7.7%
List 7 ± 0% 81 ± 1.2% 162 ± 1.2% 434 ± 0.5% 1,490 ± 2.5% 5,790 ± 0.8% 23,200 ± 1.3% 92,500 ± 0.4% 370,000 ± 1.1% 1,510,000 ± 1.7% 6,300,000 ± 1.8% 30,000,000 ± 6.5%
Vector 5 ± 20.0% 48 ± 2.1% 188 ± 1.6% 327 ± 0.3% 940 ± 2.2% 3,240 ± 2.0% 12,700 ± 2.4% 52,000 ± 4.1% 210,000 ± 2.2% 810,000 ± 1.6% 3,370,000 ± 1.3% 14,500,000 ± 2.8%
Set 91 ± 1.1% 95 ± 3.2% 877 ± 0.7% 1,130 ± 3.4% 5,900 ± 3.1% 26,900 ± 2.5% 149,000 ± 2.7% 680,000 ± 2.0% 3,600,000 ± 3.3% 23,000,000 ± 2.0% 100,000,000 ± 6.9% 280,000,000 ± 12.6%
Map 54 ± 1.9% 53 ± 1.9% 967 ± 0.9% 1,480 ± 5.4% 6,900 ± 2.2% 31,500 ± 1.0% 166,000 ± 1.4% 760,000 ± 2.9% 4,100,000 ± 2.9% 27,000,000 ± 3.5% 118,000,000 ± 4.6% 450,000,000 ± 11.7%
m.Buffer 11 ± 0% 32 ± 9.4% 32 ± 18.8% 38 ± 2.6% 70 ± 19.2% 250 ± 13.7% 700 ± 29.1% 3,900 ± 10.0% 20,000 ± 41.6% 40,000 ± 34.9% 400,000 ± 14.7% 1,500,000 ± 19.5%
m.Set 58 ± 3.4% 81 ± 6.2% 142 ± 4.9% 1,080 ± 3.1% 4,200 ± 3.3% 16,000 ± 6.7% 69,000 ± 5.3% 263,000 ± 2.1% 1,160,000 ± 4.8% 6,300,000 ± 3.7% 43,000,000 ± 5.6% 310,000,000 ± 8.1%
m.Map 47 ± 2.1% 69 ± 2.9% 181 ± 3.3% 990 ± 1.1% 3,700 ± 3.0% 15,000 ± 2.9% 62,000 ± 5.6% 290,000 ± 5.2% 1,500,000 ± 16.2% 16,000,000 ± 6.8% 103,000,000 ± 4.3% 493,000,000 ± 1.2%
foreach 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array 2 ± 0% 5 ± 0% 15 ± 0% 57 ± 1.8% 230 ± 1.7% 900 ± 2.0% 3,580 ± 1.4% 14,200 ± 1.7% 55,600 ± 0.8% 228,000 ± 1.6% 910,000 ± 1.9% 3,610,000 ± 0.7%
Array-while 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 0 ± 0% 0 ± 0% 0 ± 0% -4 ± 100.0% 10 ± 166.7% 70 ± 97.1% 0 ± 507.0% 500 ± 153.3%
List 0 ± 0% 3 ± 0% 13 ± 0% 50 ± 2.0% 209 ± 1.9% 800 ± 2.1% 3,500 ± 3.5% 14,100 ± 3.8% 55,000 ± 4.6% 231,000 ± 2.8% 920,000 ± 9.7% 3,800,000 ± 6.4%
List-while 4 ± 0% 5 ± 0% 13 ± 0% 49 ± 2.0% 211 ± 0.9% 812 ± 1.1% 3,400 ± 2.9% 14,200 ± 4.5% 57,000 ± 6.9% 226,000 ± 2.2% 930,000 ± 6.5% 3,700,000 ± 4.4%
Vector 15 ± 0% 19 ± 0% 30 ± 0% 74 ± 1.4% 268 ± 2.2% 1,000 ± 2.5% 3,960 ± 1.9% 16,200 ± 4.1% 62,000 ± 2.4% 256,000 ± 1.5% 1,030,000 ± 1.5% 4,300,000 ± 3.2%
Set 4 ± 0% 5 ± 0% 10 ± 0% 99 ± 1.0% 420 ± 2.6% 1,560 ± 2.4% 10,200 ± 4.1% 51,000 ± 1.7% 217,000 ± 2.2% 2,200,000 ± 5.3% 10,800,000 ± 1.7% 48,600,000 ± 1.8%
Map 19 ± 0% 7 ± 0% 20 ± 0% 140 ± 2.1% 610 ± 4.0% 2,500 ± 3.9% 13,900 ± 3.9% 72,800 ± 0.9% 360,000 ± 3.3% 3,700,000 ± 8.2% 20,700,000 ± 1.6% 75,000,000 ± 3.6%
m.Buffer 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 2 ± 100.0% -1 ± 800.0% -10 ± 423.5% 0 ± 259.4% -200 ± 185.1%
m.Set 19 ± 0% 26 ± 0% 50 ± 2.0% 130 ± 1.5% 508 ± 1.4% 2,190 ± 0.5% 11,900 ± 2.1% 56,600 ± 1.4% 235,000 ± 2.6% 940,000 ± 2.2% 3,800,000 ± 5.5% 14,700,000 ± 5.0%
m.Map 8 ± 0% 16 ± 0% 48 ± 2.1% 146 ± 0.7% 528 ± 1.1% 2,210 ± 1.7% 10,300 ± 2.8% 54,100 ± 0.4% 255,000 ± 2.0% 1,140,000 ± 5.4% 6,800,000 ± 5.4% 30,000,000 ± 6.6%
lookup 0 1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,192 65,536 262,144 1,048,576
Array 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 0 ± 0% 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% -1 ± 200.0% 4 ± 200.0% 0 ± 675.0% 100 ± 71.6% -200 ± 215.5%
List 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 8 ± 0% 103 ± 1.0% 2,390 ± 0.5% 47,200 ± 1.0% 870,000 ± 2.6% 16,900,000 ± 2.8%
Vector 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 5 ± 0% 17 ± 0% 104 ± 2.9% 440 ± 2.7% 1,780 ± 2.6% 8,940 ± 1.1% 38,000 ± 1.1% 198,000 ± 1.3% 930,000 ± 1.6% 4,260,000 ± 1.7%
Set 0 ± 0% 18 ± 0% 81 ± 1.2% 507 ± 0.6% 1,980 ± 0.8% 7,800 ± 1.8% 39,800 ± 1.8% 203,000 ± 1.1% 1,040,000 ± 2.3% 8,300,000 ± 2.8%
Map 0 ± 0% 12 ± 0% 97 ± 1.0% 578 ± 1.6% 2,250 ± 2.8% 9,400 ± 1.5% 46,000 ± 2.2% 233,000 ± 1.7% 1,150,000 ± 2.9% 11,400,000 ± 2.6%
m.Buffer 0 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 0% 1 ± 100.0% 0 ± ∞% 6 ± 133.3% -10 ± 200.0% 0 ± 415.4% 0 ± 970.0%
m.Set 0 ± 0% 5 ± 0% 22 ± 0% 97 ± 1.0% 410 ± 2.7% 1,690 ± 1.4% 7,100 ± 2.2% 31,300 ± 1.8% 148,000 ± 1.4% 690,000 ± 2.1% 4,800,000 ± 1.6%
m.Map 0 ± 0% 6 ± 0% 25 ± 0% 112 ± 1.8% 454 ± 1.3% 1,910 ± 0.7% 9,400 ± 0.5% 52,500 ± 0.7% 243,000 ± 2.7% 1,760,000 ± 1.2% 9,900,000 ± 5.3%

Raw Benchmark Data

This is the "raw" data that was recorded by the benchmarking code, including every run of each benchmark separately, rather than coalescing them into mean and standard deviation:

Benchmark Code

If you want to see the raw code used for these benchmarks, you can browse it at

Or download the bundle:

And git clone scala-bench.bundle on the downloaded file to get your own personal checkout of the Fansi repository. From there, you can use

While the benchmark code is definitely not as rigorous as using something like JMH, JMH tends to be pretty slow, and at 4-and-a-half hours this benchmark suite is already slow enough!

About the Author: Haoyi is a software engineer, and the author of many open-source Scala tools such as the Ammonite REPL and the Mill Build Tool. If you enjoyed the contents on this blog, you may also enjoy Haoyi's book Hands-on Scala Programming

Easy Parsing with Parser CombinatorsOld Design Patterns in Scala

Updated 2016-10-01 2016-09-29 2016-09-29 2016-09-29 2016-09-29 2016-09-29 2016-09-29 2016-09-29 2016-09-29 2016-09-29